| Super Rider | 1983 | Taito Corporation (Venture Line license) | suprridr | Platform / Run Jump Scrolling | 8.50 |
| Super Rider (Italy, v2.0) | 1996 | Subsino | smoto20 | | 0.00 |
| Super Ring a Bell (Astra, V004) | 1969 | Astra | as_srb | | 0.00 |
| Super Ring a Bell (Astra, V100) (clone of: as_srb) | 1969 | Astra | as_srba | | 0.00 |
| Super Ring a Bell (Astra, V101) (clone of: as_srb) | 1969 | Astra | as_srbb | | 0.00 |
| Super Ring a Bell (Astra, V201) (clone of: as_srb) | 1969 | Astra | as_srbc | | 0.00 |
| Super Ring a Bell (Astra, V202) (clone of: as_srb) | 1969 | Astra | as_srbd | | 0.00 |
| Super Ring a Bell (Astra, V203) (clone of: as_srb) | 1969 | Astra | as_srbe | | 0.00 |
| Super Roulette (Vivid) (MPU5) (set 1) | 1969 | Vivid | m5supro | | 0.00 |
| Super Roulette (Vivid) (MPU5) (set 2) (clone of: m5supro) | 1969 | Vivid | m5suproa | | 0.00 |
| Super Series (Barcrest) (MPU3) | 1969 | Barcrest | m3supser | | 0.00 |
| Super Shanghai 2005 (GDL-0031) | 2005 | Starfish | ss2005 | | 5.69 |
| Super Shanghai 2005 (Rev A) (GDL-0031A) (clone of: ss2005) | 2005 | Starfish | ss2005a | | 0.00 |
 | Super Shanghai Dragon's Eye (Japan) | 1992 | Hot-B | sshangha | Puzzle / Match *Mature* | 7.33 |
 | Super Shanghai Dragon's Eye (World, bootleg) (clone of: sshangha) | 1992 | bootleg | sshanghab | | 0.00 |
| Super Shot | 1979 | Model Racing | sshot | | 4.00 |
 | Super Sidekicks / Tokuten Ou | 1992 | SNK | ssideki | Sports / Soccer | 7.94 |
 | Super Sidekicks 2 - The World Championship / Tokuten Ou 2 - real fight football (NGM-061)(NGH-061) | 1994 | SNK | ssideki2 | Sports / Soccer | 7.57 |
 | Super Sidekicks 3 - The Next Glory / Tokuten Ou 3 - eikou e no michi | 1995 | SNK | ssideki3 | Sports / Soccer | 9.03 |
| Super Slam (Bellfruit) (Adder 5) | 1969 | BFM | ad5sslam | | 0.00 |